True Classic Case Study

True Classic Procures Additional $140,000 in Monthly Revenue With NoFraud & Increases Order Approval Rate by 5%


increase in order approval rate


monthly revenue increase

90 hours

saved on manual review each month

“We didn’t realize how much money we were leaving on the table until we used NoFraud.”

Breanna Moreno, VP of CX at True Classic

In 2018, True Classic Founder Ryan Bartlett had the idea for the company’s first t-shirt, setting out on a mission to help the everyday guy look good and feel good in a t-shirt that finally fit right at an accessible price. The following year, Nick Ventura and Matt Winnick joined as cofounders and the team launched their first crew neck t-shirts in six colors. Within two years, the bootstrapped company hit its first $100 million mark. By 2022, True Classic had become a global brand — selling in 192 countries — with an expanded product line that included activewear, men’s bottoms, and more.

The company prides itself on being stewards of their community with an emphasis on giving back and consistently showing up for humans when they need them most. Whether it’s sending supplies to cities after natural disasters, replacing people’s wardrobes after their house burned down, helping teachers get supplies for their students, or putting clothing on the backs of the homeless, True Classic is here to help and wield their resources for good.

“Our goal with this company has always revolved around over-indexing on the value we give our customers and communities. Value can come in the form of best-in-class customer service, entertaining ads that make you laugh, products that are intentionally designed to help you look better and donating shirts at scale to help communities in need,” says Ryan Bartlett, True Classic Cofounder and CEO.

From Manual Review to Scaling Operations

The True Classic customer support team was grappling with the increasing amount of chargebacks and high-risk orders they were managing. Also adding to the team’s workload was a growing trend of return fraud. Breanna Moreno, VP of CX at True Classic, knew it was time to look for a better solution — Was there a service that could minimize time spent and fortify their defenses upfront?

Amid their quest for a solution, the company stumbled upon NoFraud, who provided an eye-opening experience. “I didn’t realize how proactive we could be in stopping fraud and minimizing risk. There is a whole business method that goes into preventing fraud,” Breanna shares. The NoFraud team went above and beyond, revealing dark web conversations from fraudsters who were scheming to take advantage of True Classic’s return policy. 

True Classic was impressed by NoFraud’s robust approach of looking at IP addresses, leveraging databases, and using machine learning to proactively prevent fraud. The ability to have blocklists that prevent fraud has been helpful in protecting their business from criminals taking advantage of their policies or using stolen credit cards to make purchases.

NoFraud Helps Capture $140,000 More in Monthly Revenue

“We didn’t realize how much money we were leaving on the table until we used NoFraud,” says Breanna. The NoFraud team showed True Classic the difference between Shopify’s Fraud Tool and what they could achieve with NoFraud. True Classic’s previous approach was limited by technology that required overly rigid rules and processes that unnecessarily created friction in their customer experience — which blocked good customers from completing orders, causing the company to miss out on well-deserved earnings. 

This was a familiar challenge that the NoFraud research team had seen across merchants. The team’s analysis found that 23.8% of all orders classified as “high-risk” by Shopify and 84.4% deemed “medium-risk”, were actually safe to ship and received a pass by NoFraud. NoFraud Protection delivers highly accurate pass or fail decisions by using a combination of powerful technology and analytics, diversified data sources, and expert human review. With NoFraud, eCommerce merchants pass more good orders with a high level of confidence as all transactions passed by the NoFraud decision engine are backed by our chargeback guarantee.

After switching to NoFraud, True Classic was able to unblock their pipeline with a seamless solution that removed friction and made it easy for good shoppers to complete their purchases. With the improved pass/fail decision accuracy, the company safely increased their order approval rate by 5%, which helped them capture an additional $140,000 in monthly revenue.

NoFraud is an Extension of Our Team

“NoFraud has been the most human-centric and most open to customizing their solution to our business needs,” says Breanna. The relationship with NoFraud extends beyond a mere security measure. NoFraud also provides valuable insights, collaborative support, and a proactive approach to the ever-evolving challenges of eCommerce fraud. NoFraud has become a trusted ally in their business growth, helping to optimize revenue streams and improve customer relationships. “Having a great connection with the NoFraud team has been most rewarding,” says Breanna, “It feels like having an in-house employee — they’re always available, getting into Slack to provide support in real-time.”

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Customer Testimonials

Praise From Some of Our
Successful Customers
“5 stars across the board! We switched to NoFraud a year ago and not only did my approval rate increase drastically but pricing was also a lot more competitive. The integration is seamless and literally worked out of the box with zero changes to our current workflow.”
marika logo
“NoFraud has been absolutely amazing. Before NoFraud, we were suffering from a barrage of fraud attempts, which resulted in tens of thousands of dollars of chargebacks. Once you install this app, fraudsters will give up hope. I think it’s a no-brainer.”
Wine Chateau Marketplace
“Implementing NoFraud has vastly improved our business operations, not only by significantly reducing chargebacks and false positives, but by turning our inefficient fraud prevention process into a simple pass/fail decision that saves us loads of time and stress.”
nixplay logo
“This is some of the best money we have ever spent. Integrating the app was quick and smooth, the support is fantastic and far superior to the service offered by some of their competitors. Our fraudulent orders have dropped by almost 60% since integrating NoFraud as compared to Signifyd and all orders that are charged-back are quickly reimbursed.”
Designer Optics Logo
“I switched to NoFraud from another guaranteed fraud prevention provider. My approval rate improved, pricing was more competitive, NoFraud customer support is superb and the user interface is intuitive and informative. My only regret is that I did not make the change sooner.”
Hak5 Logo
“Normally not one to write reviews but absolutely must applaud NoFraud. I switched over from a big name competitor that dropped the ball huge on support. I’ve had no such issues with NoFraud — their support agents has been super responsive. The sales folks answered my every detailed question — even digging into API documentation. Their onboarding team was top notch. I was up and running super quick! Very happy.”
JNA logo
“The NoFraud app is really easy to install and set up. NoFraud’s analysis has been much more effective than the standard default Shopify fraud analysis. It catches fraud missed by Shopify and passes orders that Shopify said were high risk. Best part is, you can contact NoFraud and speak with someone.”
PCmag logo
“The team at NoFraud are amazing. They have been a strong partner against the fraudsters. Right before we signed up we were hit with several thousand dollars of Mule Fraud. The addition of this app has definitely saved us money. Worth every penny. I would totally recommend them.”
Judith Leiber logo
“We can’t say enough wonderful things about the team at NoFraud. They are extremely responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. The peace of mind we get from knowing that they are handling the fraud check process is invaluable. NoFraud’s system consistently delivers accurate order ratings and recommendations.”
Kaged logo
“NoFraud has been fantastic. We switched from Signifyd and haven’t looked back. Better rates, vastly simpler customer service, easier touch points for service/help, chargeback protection and filing on our behalf (this was huge — of the few chargebacks we’ve gotten, NoFraud takes care of them and we’re good to go!). Super fast verifications (if/when needed). Great staff. All in all, definitely recommend going with this app!”
UMZU logo
“Excellent communication. Easy to use service. Available to resolve and questions or concerns that arise in a timely manner.”
“NoFraud’s ability to extend internationally is great since we have no experience or knowledge in international sales. Without NoFraud, we’d have to learn everything there is to know about fraud detection in another market.”
“When I did a chargeback audit over the last 5 years before NoFraud, I saw that had I been a NoFraud customer for 10 years, I could’ve bought a boat with all the savings.”
“We didn’t realize how much money we were leaving on the table until we used NoFraud.”
“Turning NoFraud on was like a magic switch. Poof! All of a sudden our fraud problems disappeared.”

Ready to learn more?

Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

Ready to learn more?

Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

We offer Starter Plans for even the smallest sized businesses, including a free plan and plans that include chargeback protection for companies that process less than $50,000/month.

Businesses that process more than $50,000 in revenue/month qualify for custom pricing. Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

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