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Item Not Received (INR) Protection Policy

NoFraud’s Item Not Received (INR) Protection covers orders with valid tracking showing the merchandise as delivered, when the shopper claims the merchandise was not received.

NoFraud Item Not Received (INR) Protection Policy

NoFraud’s Item Not Received (INR) Protection covers orders that have valid tracking information showing the merchandise as delivered in the event the customer/cardholder claims the delivered merchandise was not received. NoFraud’s INR Protection policy reimburses merchants for the cost and handles representation duties for eligible Item Not Received or similar chargebacks.

If NoFraud issues a decision of Pass on an order that later gets a chargeback with an eligible Item Not Received reason code, (listed below), NoFraud will reimburse the merchant for the cost of the order and take over the responsibility of responding to the case. The coverage amount will be limited to the order amount when the transaction was issued a Pass decision by NoFraud.

Eligible Item Not Received (INR) Reason Codes

 Card Brand/Processor INR Reason Code
 Visa 13.1
 Discover 4755/RG
 MasterCard 55
 Amex C08
 Shopify Payments/Stripe Product Not Received
 Braintree Product Not Received
 PayPal/PayFlow Item Not Received

Note: Relevant reason codes missing from this list may still be qualified for INR Protection.

Eligibility Requirements

Please note: NoFraud’s INR Protection coverage is based on the following standard delivery timeframes: Domestic (US) Orders: 7 days, International Orders: 14 days.

  • Full proof of delivery (POD) and other relevant evidence must be provided to NoFraud via the portal or via sub-user access. The POD must display the full delivery address matching the address on the corresponding order that was issued a Pass decision by NoFraud.
  • Other relevant evidence that you may be required to provide includes the shipping label, screenshots of your correspondence with the customer, and other relevant documents.
  • INR Protection is not a replacement for good customer service. Failure to respond to your customers’ correspondence, withholding valid refund requests, and failing to provide adequate basic customer service within the card brands’ Terms of Service will result in a case being disqualified from coverage.
  • The order must be delivered within the standard delivery timeframe. INR Protection does not apply to back-ordered items or items delivered outside of the standard delivery timeframe.
  • Orders that are still in transit at the time of the chargeback or are delivered after the chargeback date are not eligible.
  • If the order is unfulfilled, lost by the carrier, rerouted while in transit, delivered to an address other than the original shipping address screened by NoFraud, it will not be covered. In these circumstances, you must file a claim with the relevant carrier.
  • For orders exceeding a total of $1,000 (USD), the POD must show signature confirmation. If the carrier fails to collect the signature, we may require proof of the signature request or relevant carrier settings.
  • BOPIS orders (Buy Online Pick Up In-Store) are not eligible for INR Protection.
  • INR Protection cases must be submitted to NoFraud no later than seven (7) days after receipt of the chargeback notice and at least five (5) business days prior to the chargeback due date.

Ready to learn more?

Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

Ready to learn more?

Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

We offer Starter Plans for even the smallest sized businesses, including a free plan and plans that include chargeback protection for companies that process less than $50,000/month.

Businesses that process more than $50,000 in revenue/month qualify for custom pricing. Book a demo and see our accurate real-time fraud screening for eCommerce in action.

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